Lacy Archer
Hatha, Morning Flow, Yoga for Longevity

Christie Bentley
Breathwork + Sound Healing

Following years spent working intimately with children, Christie trusts and knows that her dharma is to empower others on their healing journey. Christie believes in the deeply transformative power of safe space - bearing witness without agenda or need for change. Christie’s healing path has enlightened her to the power of the mind, and how easily it can create one’s reality. She wishes to support others in illustrating their capacity to author every aspect of their life, arriving in full sovereignty. Christie values deeply how both the practices of active breathwork and Himalayan sound bowl healing support each individual’s body to heal itself, from the inside out.

Katie Johann
YinYasa + Yoga Nidra

Katie Johann is a Certified 200 hr Yoga teacher that believes Yoga should also be an inner journey. She has taught a Vinyasa inspired flow for the Southside Gym for over 2 years, and likes to incorporate mindfulness, Yin and Nidra into her practice these days. You’ll find her class slow, meditative and grounding.

Nina Nudell
Foundational Hatha Flow